Unprotected, flat top. Sold individually. Can be used in series.
Protected, button top. Sold individually. This is a super high capacity 26650 batter..
$14.20 $10.50
Unprotected, flat top. Ships with factory cardboard boxes.
This is widely regarded as ..
Protected button top, sold individually. This is a nice protected 14500 that doesn't brea..
$7.05 $5.40
Protected button top, sold individually. These are fairly long and fat for a 16340 battery, so..
$5.35 $4.70
Unprotected, button top. Ships with factory cardboard boxes. These Efest 16340 batt..
Unprotected, flat top. Ships with factory cardboard boxes. This 18350 Efest IM..
$7.25 $4.50
Unprotected, flat top. Price includes one storage case per pair (odd numbers still receive cas..
Unprotected, button top. Price includes one storage case per pair (odd numbers still rece..
Unprotected, flat top (buttons protrude enough for cells to be used in series!) Sold individua..
Unprotected, button top. Ships with factory cardboard boxes. This is Efest's n..
$5.75 $5.00
Unprotected, flat top. Ships with factory cardboard boxes. This is Efest's new 1835..
$6.55 $5.00
Unprotected, button top. Price includes storage cases! Batteries are sold individua..
Unprotected, flat top. Price includes storage cases! Batteries are sold individually.
Unprotected, flat top. Sold individually.
Length: 70.7mm&nb..
Unprotected, button top. Price includes storage case! Batteries are sold individually.
Unprotected, flat top. Price includes storage case! Batteries are sold individually. &nb..
Protected, button top. Price includes storage case! Batteries are sold individually.