Can I Pay With a Credit Card?

Can I pay with a credit card or debit card, without a PayPal account?
Yes!  Although we do not process credit cards directly, you can check out with your credit card via PayPal without having to open or use an account (USA customers only).  Here is how to do it:

1. Go through the website check out process and at "Step 5: Payment Method", select PayPal as your selected method of payment.

2. At Step 6: Conform Order, select "Confirm Order".  You will then be transferred from to PayPal's system.

3. Once you are at PayPal's system, you will see a drop down menu entitled "Pay with a debit card or credit card, or PayPal Credit".  Click the drop down arrow.

4.  Once the arrow is clicked and the menu is expanded, you will be able to enter your credit card or debit card information.

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