MTN Electronics designed direct-thermal-path 20mm Quad Copper MCPCB for Cree XP series and Nichia 219/319 series emitters.
Each MCPCB includes (3) 1206 Jumpers to bridge the pads necessary for parallel LED configuration (no jumpers necessary for series). The LED's negative side (cathode) should be on the side with the "*" symbol. Two of the Pads have two symbols prefaced by *P (for parallel configuration) and *S (for series configuration).
2S2P configuration is also possible, but a bit more tricky. Please see 2S2P configuration picture for more information.
To build a sweet quad copper P60 dropin, use this MCPCB along with this shell and one of these optics.
If you purchase a bare MCPCB, please remove the protective plastic coating before reflowing LEDs!