This DIY PCB allows you to to place up to 32 AMC 7135s, providing fast PWM and linear regulation. Using 380mA 7135 chips will give you approximately 12.15A on high, using 350mA 7135 chips will give you approximately 11.2A on high.
This V2 PCB revision offers several improvements over the first revision:
The driver features tabs that will need to be filed down to achieve a tight fit in your host or SRK (Sky Ray King) style light of choice. They are necessary due to the slightly different tolerances that exist in these lights.
Required Parts:
A complete parts kit with all of these parts, including a pre-flashed attiny13a MCU, will be available soon!
This board was created with the collaboration of many of the great members over at BLF and is open source hardware. Check out this thread for more information.